A  membership space for you to come home to yourself and your body.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
This is your space to remove the barriers that are obstructing you from experiencing your true self - your aliveness and the source of love and power that lives within you.

"Normal breathwork did not work for me. I came out feeling worse and was in a freeze state for weeks after."


Portal to Self is our monthly membership space to experience the wisdom of our core practices. It is  a space to remove the barriers that are obstructing you from experiencing your true self - your aliveness and the source of love and power that lives within you.

We offer five monthly online group sessions designed for highly sensitive intuitives. These journeys blend Ancient Eastern Philosophy with gentle nervous system regulation and somatic awareness ​​practices. All of our sessions are facilitated by global leading experts and certified practitioners.

No lock in contract. Cancel your membership at any time. 











Meet your 

With years of experience guiding clients all over the world. 

Sigourney Belle

Pelvic De Armouring

 “ Learning how to hold space for the light and the shadow to emerge and be witnessed - these are the foundations of our teachings.” 

Sigourney Belle, founder of Soma Mystica, is a visionary healer with over a decade of expertise in neurophysiology and Eastern Esoteric healing. As a global expert, she offers revolutionary trainings and deep healing support, guiding individuals towards a whole-human approach to healing. Sigourney's vision is to help clients feel at home in their bodies, viewing life through the lens of beauty and transforming it into an artform.

Carly Rae

Introductory Pelvic Anatomy
& Physiology

"I feel how the uterus and cervix open to beauty .. that frequency of beautiful things penetrates my entire body.."

Carly Rae, a Womb Continuum Practitioner and ceremonial bodyworker since 2005, specializes in hands-on pelvic work. She's the creator of FLESH + BLOOD, a female body literacy community, and NECTAR, a vulva and vagina mapping practice. Co-founding Ma School, a women's therapy school, Carly emphasizes the innate intelligence within every cell and the remembrance of the feminine. Serving as a guide, she helps women rediscover and embrace the truth of their bodies, guiding them home to themselves.


Alex Malorodov

Shamanic Breathwork

“ I induct seekers of knowledge into the world of LIMITLESS POTENTIAL.“

Alex Malorodov is a trained Shamanic Breathwork guide and Leading Entrepreneurial Coach dedicated to guiding individuals through transformative journeys. With a profound understanding of energetic states, he empowers people to tap into their full potential. In every interaction, Alex fosters mutual enrichment and exploration, infusing pleasure and gratitude into the experience of being alive. As a visionary entrepreneur, his business emerges from a foundation of love, effortlessly navigating the quantum field. 


Juliette Karaman

Group Spinal Attunement & Parasympathetic Breathwork

“It is one of my gifts to identify and help clear these roadblocks so they can step into their fullest expression.”

Juliette, certified Soma Mystica Spinal Attunement Practitioner, a Self-relationship Expert, and the host of The Scrumptious Woman podcast. Her life's work revolves around assisting visionaries and leaders in realizing that a simple attunement of their energetic and emotional blocks can remove obstacles to their full expression. Juliette's expertise lies in guiding individuals towards a deeper understanding of themselves, facilitating a harmonious alignment of their inner energies.


Laura Cantrell

Group Spinal Attunement & Parasympathetic Breathwork

“I will always teach from my lived experiences - it feels like I just graduated from the university of the heart."

Lauralea, certified Soma Mystica Spinal Attunement Practitioner and Craniosacral Therapist. Her expertise provides profound insights extending beyond the surface, guiding individuals through the depths of personal exploration and self-discovery. Her medicine allows clients to feel truly seen and integrated within their human experience. Lauralea guides from the heart in resonating alignment with Soma Mystica’s vision of coming back home to the body.



Come home to your BODY.

Your body is an infinite library of wisdom.
Our sessions will:
  • Help you to unwind the stress in your body enough to be able to hear the deeper wisdom current that runs through the body & communicates to you through the nervous system. 
  • Unlock deeper levels of relaxation in the nervous system so that you can come home to a state of rest, deeper dreaming and healing.
  •  Unlock your creativity and feel inspiration from a deeper knowing.
  •  Support you in getting to the root of any mental, physical and emotional health issues that are coming up for you.
  • Be empowered with knowledge that creates bridges to the profound nature of the body.


  • Experience our modality The Spinal Attunement Method in group format.

the WORK

Group Spinal Attunement

Experience Grounding, Healing, and Freedom

Experience deep nervous system healing with Soma Mystica's Trademark modality, The Spinal Attunement Method. Developed by the visionary Sigourney Belle, this method goes beyond conventional practices combining science, energetics, and spiritual esoteric philosophy to unlock the body's natural healing intelligence of the spine. At the core of Spinal Attunement is the profound understanding of awakening the waters of the body and the fluidity of the spine. As a leading-edge healing technology, it delves into the realms of both the central and peripheral nervous systems, somatic tissues, and the energetic field, offering a holistic approach to inner restoration.

Parasympathetic Breathwork

A Practice of Nurturing, Connection, & Aliveness

Experience a gentler approach to breathwork with Parasympathetic Breathwork. Soma Msyticas trademark breathwork modality takes you on a gentle journey of embodied transformation without overstimulating their nervous systems. Sigourney Belle founded this modality for sensitive beings and those looking to deepen their relationship with their sensitive self. Normal breathwork is not for everyone. For people with chronic or complex trauma, breathwork can bring too much sympathetic stimulation to the nervous system & create greater shutdown. Experience the gentle power of awakening the innate healing capacity within the wisdom of the Soma - the body. 

Blue Lotus Ritual

Flower of Magick, Ceremony, Medicine, and Intuition

Join Sigourney as she gently guides you on a journey of ancient and somatic wisdom with the Blue Lotus Flower in a transformative ritual. The Blue Lotus flower, scientifically known as Nymphaea caerulea, holds profound spiritual and ritualistic significance, particularly in ancient Egyptian culture. Revered for symbolizing purity, beauty, and transcendence, the Blue Lotus was intertwined with religious practices, often associated with the sun, rebirth, and the afterlife. Beyond its symbolic importance, the plant was recognized for its mild psychoactive properties, believed to induce a heightened connection to the divine. Ancient Egyptians incorporated the Blue Lotus into various ceremonies, rituals, and artistic depictions, showcasing its pivotal role in religious and spiritual contexts.

 Shamanic Breathwork Journey

Journey of Release, Transformation, and Awakening

Join Alex Molorodov on a Shamanic Breathwork Journey that is sure to leave you feeling transformed. Shamanic breathwork is a therapeutic practice that combines specific breathing techniques with elements inspired by shamanic traditions. Rooted in the idea that altered states of consciousness can lead to healing, this method uses conscious and rhythmic breathing to induce a trance-like state. Participants engage in deep, intentional breathing patterns facilitating emotional release, self-discovery, and spiritual insight. Cross culturally indigenous cultures utilise breathwork as a powerful tool for accessing higher states of consciousness and promoting healing on physical, emotional, spiritual, and soul levels.



Pricing & Sign Up 

 5 Live Sessions per month
1 Month replay of each offering
$99 USD/month 

Renews monthly.

No lock in contract.


"For many years I have taken certifications, undergone trainings and mentored under different teachers to widen my mind & embody the teachings.


There was a gap, a missing link…

How to communicate what we know in the esoteric world & how to merge this with the scientific world.

Sigourney Belle & Soma Mystica has bridged this gap!

By being in her world for the past few years, so much has opened and solidified in my field.

Not only has my own knowledge become more embodied and visibility has gone through the roof because of using these practices, but my clients and their clients are having mind boggling results!

One of my clients with cancer is experiencing so much relief & the cancer is in remission.

If you were waiting to hop on board, the time is now! The world needs more of us!"



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